Adoption of Contemporary Earth Construction in Africa Alleviating Urban Housing Crisis.
Mohammad Sharif Zami, PhD and Mohammad Babsail, PhD.

Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

Vernacular Architecture in Saudi Arabia: Revival of Displaced Traditions.
Mohammad Babsail, PhD and Jamal Al-Qawasmi, PhD.

Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals.

A Cultural Center for Setif, Algeria.
Zaidi Hassani, MArch.

Thesis Project for Master's of Architecture Degree at Illinois Institute of Technology.

PV Standalone Monitoring System Performance Using LabVIEW.
Chokri Belhadj Ahmed, PhD, Mahmoud Kassas, PhD and Syed Essamuddin Ahmed, MSc.

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering Sciences and Applied Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

PV Generator Performance Using Cassy System.
Chokri Belhadj Ahmed, PhD, Mahmoud Kassas, PhD and Syed Essamuddin Ahmed, MSc.

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering Sciences and Applied Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

LabVIEW Based PV Panel Online Characteristics And Parameters Estimation.
Chokri Belhadj Ahmed, PhD, Mahmoud Kassas, PhD and Syed Essamuddin Ahmed, MSc.

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering Sciences and Applied Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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طريق الملك فهد ، مكتب رقم508 حي الفيصلية.
جدة 23442 – 3465 ، المملكة العربية السعودية

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